Covering 100km on foot is not what most of us would choose to do on the hottest day of the year but that is *exactly* what our ambassador David Harkin did over the weekend.
David ran, jogged and walked the 100km Thames Path Ultra Challenge between Putney and Henley over the course of nearly 17 gruelling hours in sweltering heat and humidity, finishing just before 11:30 on Saturday evening. He was joined for part by his wife Jenny, also an AP ambassador, who herself covered more than a full marathon distance.
David’s objective was to raise £12,000 for AP, which pays for the food for around 100,000 lunchtime meals, one for each metre covered. He has so far raised an astonishing £7,500 and counting.
We know how much it would mean to David to get close to his ambitious target. It will certainly help ease the aches and pains over the next few days as he recovers from his exertions.
If you would like to add to David’s total you can do so via his JustGiving fundraising page here:
We are full of admiration and awe of David’s dedication and commitment to this challenge and to AP, and could not be more proud to call him an ambassador and friend. There are not many people like David or families like the Harkin’s and we are lucky to count them amongst our supporters.
Congratulations David, and thank you!